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Bad Love: An Alpha’s Regret Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Bad Love: An Alpha’s Regret Bad Love: An Alpha’s Regret Novel Synopsis

Everything and everyone I knew and grew up in Aaron’s mansion.
Agron was tolerant of me as a kid. He was even kind.
I resented him for tearing my family oport, but as I grew older, I came to love him. I love him as a female loves a man.
On my eighteenth birthday, we were married. What should’ve been the greatest day of my life marked the start of years of disappointment.

Aaron never wanted to marry me. He only ever saw me as his enemy.
My wolf never manifested-and that might be the greatest travesty of all, because what good is a wolf who doesn’t have one?
I’ve been groomed and raised to be a luna. As Aaron’s wife, that’s what I should be.
But who would ever follow me? A lowly human. I won’t give up hope though. My father is an Alpha.
My mom came from a long, powerful line of wolves. Their pack ruled the southern region for centuries.
Read on to discover more about this amazing story, thankss....


it is sometimes not possible to read the text because the words are mixed up.

But it is a nice story pleas more chapters after Chapter 16-18