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Billionaire Ex-wife: I Can't Live Without You Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Billionaire Ex-wife: I Can't Live Without YouBillionaire Ex-wife: I Can't Live Without You Novel Synopsis

"Love is blind!" Lucinda abandoned her beautiful and comfortable life because of a man.
She married him and slaved off for him for three long years. One day, the scales finally fell off her eyes.
She realized that all her efforts were in vain. Her husband, Nathaniel still treated her like shit.
All he cared about was his lover. "Enough is enough! I quit wasting my years with an ungrateful man!"
Lucinda's heart was shattered into many pieces, but she summoned up the courage to ask for a divorce.
The news caused a stir online! A filthy rich young woman recently got divorced?

She was a good catch! Countless CEOs and handsome young men immediately swarmed to her like bees to honey!
Nathaniel couldn't take it anymore.
He held a press conference and begged with teary eyes,
"I love you, Lucinda. I can't live without you. Please come back to me."
Would Lucinda give him a second chance? Read to find out!


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