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God Save Us [Druig] Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
God Save Us [Druig]God Save Us || Druig Novel Synopsis

Agil woke as the Domo reached their aimed solar system and their target planet was in sight. He awoke in a cross legged position dressed in simple white tunic and trousers made from a so fabric.
It was strange and familiar all at once. He knew what it was but the name escaped his mind.
Yet it was unimportant. His body moved fluidly with a grace of a dancer as he rose from position on the floor.

Around him, their circle around the hologram of Arishem.
Strange that he knew the name of the red inhuman figure depicted in the centre of the room like a god and not remember why he was there.

"What's the point in being seen as gods if we can't save those who need us?"
"That's the thing. We aren't gods. Not really".
Druig x Male OC Eternals.
Read the complete episode to find out more.....


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