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Hera, Love & Revenge Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Hera, Love & Revenge Novel Synopsis download.jpeg

“…Isn’t it taking too long, Sir?”
“She’ll wake up. Soon. …Isn’t my daughter so pretty already?”
“Yes, yes…”
I hear someone chuckle, a deep voice. After a couple more seconds of struggle, I finally manage to open my eyes. Oh, crap, it’s bright…
“Good morning, my Sleeping Beauty.”
A silhouette appears above me, blocking the light. I blink a couple of times, trying to distinguish those facial features.

A smile like a shark amongst a greyish, perfectly combed beard, and two piercing, ice-cold blue eyes. …Who’s that?
I can’t help but keep blinking repeatedly, my eyes dry as hell. Where the heck am I? What’s going on?
I want to move. My body’s so damn heavy… What’s that weird smell, too? I try to move my head, look around.
This place is so… white. All monochrome, white and metal. Sanitized and cold like a hospital. No, wait.

It looks like it must be cold, but I don’t feel cold at all. Nor hot. Just… neutral. So weird…
Read the complete story to find out more..


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