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Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Ice-Cold Ceo, Crazy LoveIce-Cold Ceo, Crazy Love Novel Synopsis

The ward was all white. Two hospital beds were placed side by side.
Two women were lying on the beds silently, both pale-faced.
But the short distance between them seemed to be two completely different worlds.
One of the beds were surrounded by a few people—some were comforting the woman on the bed while others were preparing food and drinks for her.

Only a few steps away was the other bed. The woman was alone and there was no one taking care of her.
She was much weaker and paler, but everyone ignored her as if she didn’t exists.
The woman's name was Belle Miller. She lowered her head slightly, letting the noise not far away float into her ears.
The woman overwhelmed by love on the other bed was her younger sister, Yana Miller.

They were twins, but they didn’t look alike due to being fraternal twins. Due to being born at minute earlier, Belle became the elder sister.
Suffering from aplastic anemia since she was a kid, Yana required blood transfusions regularly event if she didn’t lose blood over injuries.
Therefore, Belle was destined to be her sister’s blood bank from birth because of their matching blood type.
This time, Yana made a scene by slitting her own wrist, making her condition worse.
Belle had just donated blood for Yana a week ago and now she was forced to give blood again. Altogether, she had lost 1,200cc. of blood.

Belle could still remember the doctor’s warning when she was preapred to give blood a second time.
The doctor said that if she gave blood again, the damaged caused to her body might be irreversible.
But her parents didn’t seem to care.
Belle would never forget their answer.
“Hurry up. We can’t let anything happen to Yana.”
Belle was their child as well.
Continue reading to discover how this amazing story gonna end, thank you so much!

