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Kidnapped By Rogue Novel PDF Download/Online Reading

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Kidnapped By RogueKidnapped By Rogue Novel Synopsis

“Whatever,” I yelled as I slammed the front door, entering the chilled air of outside.
I jumped from the porch and began my journey to nowhere.
“Where you gonna go, Blakely? Face it, you’re stuck here,” my father said as he walked towards me.

He grabbed my elbow and turned me towards him, “Get back inside, now. We can talk about this.”

“Talk about it? You say that everytime, no. I’m done,” I replied, yanking my arm from his grip.
We locked eyes, then all of a sudden I felt pain. My hand went up to my now sore cheek.
“Fine. Leave. But don’t you dare come back,” he said turning away from me.
After he went inside, I stood internally debating on going inside or not. I finally decided against it, and began to walk.

It got colder the more I walked so I wrapped my arms around myself. I passed a cafe and decided to go in.
I opened the door, the aroma of baked goods surrounding me.
“Hello, my name is Sam. Welcome to The Cafe, may I get you anything?” a stout woman said apon my entering.

I asked for a coffee and settled down at the counter. I looked around the cafe, it was pretty empty. Just me, the woman, a cook, and an elderly couple quietly talking in a booth.
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