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Lost Me Gained Regret Novel PDF Download/Online Reading

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Lost Me Gained RegretLost Me Gained Regret Novel Synopsis
On our third wedding anniversary, Bryant Ferguson paid big money to get me the necklace I'd been eyeing for ages.
Everyone around us said he was head over heels in love with me.
Filled with joy, I was busy preparing a candlelit dinner when a video popped up on my phone.

In the video, Bryant put the necklace around another woman's neck, saying, "Congrats on your fresh start."

It turned out it wasn't just our anniversary. It was also the day his first love was finalizing her divorce.
I never in imagined something like this could happen to me.

Though my marriage to Bryant wasn't born out of a whirlwind romance, he always played the role of the doting husband in public.
I sat at the dining table, staring at the cold steak and the trending topic, [Bryant Spends Millions To Make His Wife's Happy.]
It all felt like a cruel joke.
Read all the chapters on this amazing story to find out more, thank you!


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