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Love Is More Than Words Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Love Is More Than Words Love Is More Than Words Novel Synopsis

Cassidy gave Franklyn her all. She built her whole life around him for five long years.
She thought all was well until she heard the news of his engagement to someone else.

In spite of the heartbreak, Cassidy chose to leave in secret. She was done loving someone who clearly didn't love her back.
She started a new life somewhere else. Little did she know that the aloof and distant CEO would search for her everywhere.
When their paths crossed again, she looked a hundred times more beautiful and had another man by her side.
Her smile was also brighter than it was in the past. Franklyn almost sank to his knees as regret flooded his heart.
He said sincerely, "I have been searching everywhere for you. I miss you a lot. Please come back to me.

I promise to treat you right. I can give you anything you want. Cass, I can't live without you." Cassidy laughed out loud.
She then looked at him with a disdainful smirk. "If you can't live without me, how come you are still alive? You know what?

I don't want to have anything to do with you ever again. Get lost!" Franklyn's heart broke into smithereens.
When he saw her glaring at him, he covered her eyes and said in a choked voice, "Please don't look at me like that, Cass. It breaks my heart.
Something tells me you still love me." "How delusional!" Cassidy commented and slapped his hand away.
She stared at him with complicated emotions in her eyes.
Want to find out what the future holds for Cassidy and Franklyn and how they would surmount the hurdles that stood in the way of their love?
Well, read this book! you'll find out as the story unfold, thanksss....


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