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Mated to the Alpha Twins Novel PDFs Free Download/ReadOnline

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Mated to the Alpha TwinsMated to the Alpha Twins Novel Synopsis

We pulled up to the rickety old house, and I felt a twinge of excitement that echoed within the sea of melancholy I had been feeling lately.
The house was by no means new or luxurious, but it was much more than I had anticipated.

We moved from California, where we had a two bedroom apartment in the worst part of town.
Walking to work each day had become a constant nightmare. While I was thankful to move, I couldn’t help but expect the worst.

I’ve lived with my mother and her husband for three years now, and to say I hate it is an understatement.
I was raised by my amazing grandmother for most of my life, but unfortunately she died a few years back.
The only other relative able to take me in was my mother.
‘Melissa’, she insists I call her. As though I’m just some child she found on the street.
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