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Moonlit Mates Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Moonlit Mates Moonlit Mates Novel Synopsis

Being cheated on and betrayed by your high school sweetheart is one thing, but to find out your twin sister betrayed you as well sucks even more.
Minutes before Samantha (Sam) Roberston was to walk down the aisle to her first love and high school sweetheart Adam Woods, her twin sister Jade tells her she's pregnant.
Now standing face to face with Adam in front of your guests Adam breaks the news to you that for the past year he has been cheating on you with your twin sister Jade and it's his baby she is carrying. Like always my parents take Jade's side and are happy for her.
Running from the church Sam heads to the airport and leaves town. Where to?
Sam is unsure of at the moment she just knows she's never going back or forgiving them for their betrayal.

Once Sam settles into her new cottage in a small ski town she gets a job working at the ski hill as a ski instructor.

One stormy night she takes her last trip down the hill to make sure no one is left out there when she is attacked by a pack of hungry overly big wolves.
Trying hard to outrun them on ski's Sam is tackled to the ground by a big red wolf hitting her head hard on the icey slops,
While She's In and out of consciousness, Sam can hear what sounds like a lot of growls and dogs fighting, then she feels warm arms wrap around her lifting her.
when Sam comes to, her world as she knew it is turned upside down, she learns what she thought was all fairy tail stories are not stories after all,
Read as Sam has a baby, gets turned into a creature and needs to save her baby from the vampire who betrayed her.


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