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My Scythe Wielding Husband Novel PDF Download/Online Reading

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
 My Scythe Wielding Husband My Scythe Wielding Husband Novel Synopsis

"Until death do us part."
Those were the words that had clung in the recesses of Solene's mind
as she stood at the center of the altar with her soon-to-be-husband.
True that she had been favored by accidents since she was still a child and that probably,
one of these accidents would end their marriage early if she weren't careful.

Little did she know though, that when the vows were said, her groom meant it literally.

Only this time, it had a twist. A spell-binding, delightfully-inviting twist.
Read the complete story to find out more thankss...


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Last edited:
Hello Simon, can you please update this story? "My scythe wielding husband" and "My scythe wielding queen." Thank you very much!!!