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Next One Is a Babe Novel PDF Download/Online Reading

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Next One Is a Babe Next One Is a Babe Novel Synopsis

It was Valentine’s Day—a day for love—but ironically, Sophia and John were about to get divorced.
Couples crowded before the marriage registration counter, a stark contrast to the one for divorce.
Sophia peered at the counter for a while and smiled bitterly. Well, at least we don’t have to queue up.

It’s a good day to get divorced, in a way.
John took a while to arrive, and Sophia saw him right when he entered.
Sophia felt smug, for even though she wasn’t the one who proposed the divorce, at least she didn’t cling onto him.

Instead, she was even happy to cooperate at this point. No matter how she looked at it, at least her dignity was still intact.

John came over to her and frowned. “How long have you been here?”
“Quite a while now. I didn’t expect you to be late.” Sophia smiled.
John grunted. “An emergency meeting came up, so I got delayed.”
“Let’s go, then. There’s no line here.” Sophia nodded.

They had signed the divorce agreement, and John was generous enough to provide her with enough alimony as well as some shares of the company.
He had also given her some of his properties too.
Since they were childless, there were no arguments in this area, so the process went without a hitch.

Read the complete episode to find out more.....


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