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Ocean Master Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie

Ocean MasterOcean Master Novel Synopsis


A pair of eyes blinked open in the unending darkness, confusion shining from the depths as the owner looked around sluggishly.
The owner felt like his brain was heavy, it felt dull like pounded yam and mashed tofu.
It was a freakish comparison, but it was apt for his situation. He felt as if his pituitary gland was put on the burning fire.
His brain being heavy could have been shrugged off as it was a daily occurrence to him, but why the hell was his eyes feeling hazy too?
"Where the f*ck am I?"
"What in the name of all anatomists is happening to me?" He cursed but was surprised that no sound came out from his mouth.
Ignoring that which was his second love, ignoring things, he tried to organize his thoughts through gritted teeth.
"I thought I was tending to my shark pool. After that, what happened again?"
"What happened…?"
He shuddered on the thought as his sluggish brain quickly became active.
"I succeeded, I bred a new variant from the great white and whale shark family. But the bite… Damn, I was bitten by my own pet shark?"
"Did I survive, am I in the hospital?"
He could not see himself yet, just darkness but he imagined himself placing his right hand to his chin in contemplation. Then a voice sounded, spooking the shit out of him.
[Hello, Sebastian!]
"What in the name of all anatomists is that?" He freaked out.

"Who are you? A witch? Come out, none of your petty voodoo magic works on me! I already transcended all that".
Read on to find out more, thank you so much!


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