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Scope of fire and safety

  • Thread starter ANDRINA
  • Start date
  • Viewed 1452 times.


Industries, regardless to their size and infrastructure facilities are never completely safe from the shadow of fire accidents. The recent advancements in technology and their induction into workplaces have increased the possibilities of fire breakout in industries. Therefore, it is important that companies follow fire and safety norms set by the government. They should provide safety facilities in workplaces so that if any inadvertent accidents happen in the workplace, the employees can find a safe way out or put out fire before it causes the damage.
There are companies that provide state of the art fire and safety facilities and equipments. Still there is only a marginal decline in the number of accidents caused due to fire outbreak.
that's one of the reason I keep telling my friends that safety first is one inevitable rules to life
This message is to awaken your consciousness of RAPTURE. A serious meeting is going on in d kingdom of darkness now, their agenda is on how to occupy the minds of christians with the things of the world so that RAPTURE will take them unaware. Jesus is no more at the door but has crossed the door. So Please, make amendment where there is need. Be serious with EVANGELISM & SOULS-WINNING, God counts on the two. Send this to as many as you can. There is no more time. in all your decision you make put God first. and I pray that God will direct you AMEN. Evang. Noble. Source http://www.facebook.com/nobleexploits

This message is to awaken your consciousness of RAPTURE. A serious meeting is going on in d kingdom of darkness now, their agenda is on how to occupy the minds of christians with the things of the world so that RAPTURE will take them unaware. Jesus is no more at the door but has crossed the door. So Please, make amendment where there is need. Be serious with EVANGELISM & SOULS-WINNING, God counts on the two. Send this to as many as you can. There is no more time. in all your decision you make put God first. and I pray that God will direct you AMEN. Evang. Noble. Source http://www.facebook.com/nobleexploits
