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The Alpha CEO’s Unloved Wife Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

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Well-rounded Techie
The Alpha CEO’s Unloved Wife The Alpha CEO’s Unloved Wife Novel Synopsis

The Unwanted Wife

The jazz singer swayed and crooned into the microphone.
She had a nice voice Jane decided, but no one was I listening, they were too busy trying to
be noticed and heard. Unlike herself. If it were possible to melt away into the shadows, she would be doing it.
Instead, she had found an out of the way corner and just hoped to pass the night unnoticed.

The night club’s lights flashed off the jewellery on the women, and the sparkles in their clinging dresses.
She had dressed wrong, again, she thought miserably, though that was at least partly Baron’s fault.
If he had deigned to tell her where they were going,
she would have known that it was a place for slinky, sexy dresses rather than her pretty white lace dress.
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