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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate Novel PDF Download/Read Online

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The Alpha King Is My Second Chance MateThe Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate Novel Synopsis

Quinn’s heart pained as she stood breathlessly behind the tall, oak tree by the pack borders.

She had known it for a while now, after three years of never-ending love between her and her mate, the bond was finally fading.
Unlike before, there was a distance between them, he only spoke to her when it was necessary and the intense lovemaking they used to indulge in was now no more.
He barely ever touched her and now she knew exactly what the reason was…
It was because of the sweet and innocent omega he currently stood before, the redhead that Quinn called a sister.
Their affair had been obvious, but Quinn pretended to be blind.

She had seen the way they looked at each other, the desperate glances, the shy smiles…
she had seen them all, especially from her sister, but she had decided to trust her mate.
However, that was the worst decision she’d ever made…
for trusting him only made his betrayal even more painful…
Quinn wiped her eyes when tears graced them, she never thought he was capable of doing something like this to her, he was an alpha, but he had always been a gentle one…
he used to treasure her.

Back when they had found out about them being mates, he had wooed her with sincere words and delicate touches against the shoulder and the waist until he had found his way around her heart.

It had been like a Cinderella story, she had found her prince and she was his princess…
but now it seems the glass slipper couldn’t fit her anymore…
Damn! Quinn’s hand clenched tighter against her chest when more pain weighed down on her.
She shouldn’t have done this, shouldn’t have sprayed herself down with mask and followed him.
If she hadn’t, then the betrayal she now felt would not have been bestowed upon her.
She’d still be in bed, feigning her trust for him, desperately trying to hang onto a bond that was obviously breaking…
Pathetic, she knew, but she loved him too much to just leave, even after discovering just why he’d been so distant.
Read all the chapters on this interesting episode to find out more thankss....


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View attachment 220298The Alpha King Is My Second Chance Mate Novel Synopsis

Quinn’s heart pained as she stood breathlessly behind the tall, oak tree by the pack borders.

She had known it for a while now, after three years of never-ending love between her and her mate, the bond was finally fading.
Unlike before, there was a distance between them, he only spoke to her when it was necessary and the intense lovemaking they used to indulge in was now no more.
He barely ever touched her and now she knew exactly what the reason was…
It was because of the sweet and innocent omega he currently stood before, the redhead that Quinn called a sister.
Their affair had been obvious, but Quinn pretended to be blind.

She had seen the way they looked at each other, the desperate glances, the shy smiles…
she had seen them all, especially from her sister, but she had decided to trust her mate.
However, that was the worst decision she’d ever made…
for trusting him only made his betrayal even more painful…
Quinn wiped her eyes when tears graced them, she never thought he was capable of doing something like this to her, he was an alpha, but he had always been a gentle one…
he used to treasure her.

Back when they had found out about them being mates, he had wooed her with sincere words and delicate touches against the shoulder and the waist until he had found his way around her heart.

It had been like a Cinderella story, she had found her prince and she was his princess…
but now it seems the glass slipper couldn’t fit her anymore…
Damn! Quinn’s hand clenched tighter against her chest when more pain weighed down on her.
She shouldn’t have done this, shouldn’t have sprayed herself down with mask and followed him.
If she hadn’t, then the betrayal she now felt would not have been bestowed upon her.
She’d still be in bed, feigning her trust for him, desperately trying to hang onto a bond that was obviously breaking…
Pathetic, she knew, but she loved him too much to just leave, even after discovering just why he’d been so distant.
Read all the chapters on this interesting episode to find out more thankss....
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