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The Billionaire Executive's Miracle Baby Novel PDF Download/Online Reading

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The Billionaire Executive's Miracle BabyThe Billionaire Executive's Miracle Baby Novel Synopsis

Book Four of the Lost Loves series.
Aubrey has always been a free spirit raised by her aunt Ya-Ya who proudly bears the title the Witch of Baudin.
Growing up in New Orleans Aubrey was surrounded by her eccentric aunt’s stray black cats and gift-giving crows.
Maybe it was inevitable Aubrey grew up to be an artist.
Wanting to expand her horizons she went to college in New York and as fate would have it was Sarah Tomlinson’s roommate.

After her adventures in college Aubrey returned home and fell in love with the man of her dreams, or so she thought.
An unfortunate diagnosis left her not only saddled with the stigma of never having children but she is also quickly abandoned by her fiancée.
Luckily Ya-Ya is there to help her pick up the pieces.
Looking for a change of pace and knowing Sarah’s marriage was not going well
Aubrey briefly returns to New York where a one-night stand leaves her with an unexpected miracle: a baby!

Nicolas Worthington is the youngest of seven and has always been the black sheep of the family.
Bullied by his brothers and ignored by his parents he found solace in books
until his father decided it was time to choose a successor and devised a competition to test his sons.
The competition required them each to get married.
But while his brothers quickly found their not-so-blushing brides Nicolas cannot get one woman off his mind.
It had only been a one-night stand but she had been so full of life and spirit she brought color to his dull,
gray life and he would do anything to find her again.
When a chance encounter finally brings Nicolas face-to-face with the woman of his dreams he finds she is not alone.
At her side is the son their single night together produced.

Aubrey has been burned by love before but does she have the courage to take one more chance on happiness?
And what will happen when she finally has the chance to meet his family?
Read the complete novella for more fascinating, heart-warming and mind-blowing encounter, enjoy!


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