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The Billionaire Playboy's Secret Family Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

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Well-rounded Techie

The Billionaire Playboy's Secret Family The Billionaire Playboy's Secret Family Novel Synopsis

Since she was young Regina dreamed of being on Broadway.
Her dream is interrupted when, after succumbing to peer-pressure and her boyfriend, she discovers she is pregnant.
Determined not to become just another teen mother statistic Regina heads out into the real world;

however, achieving dreams in the adult world is a lot more difficult than she imagined when she was a child.

After a particularly disheartening audition Regina decides to do something she’s never done and drowns her sorrows in a bottle of wine.
She soon finds herself in an unexpected encounter with Marcus Avery, the notorious playboy.

Waking up beside him and realizing her dangerous position Regina quickly departs to avoid running afoul of his jealous fiancée.
But she hasn’t escaped all the consequences when she gives birth eight months later: to triplets.
Marcus Avery grew up in a privileged household with everything he could possibly ask for within arm’s reach, however, his childhood felt anything but privileged.

After growing up under the thumb of his over-bearing mother he rebels using his name and family prestige to enjoy the many carnal pleasures available and giving himself the reputation of an unapologetic playboy.

The fun comes to an end when his grandfather, tiring of his debauchery, decides it’s time for Marcus to grow up.
After spending five years in Europe learning from a trusted associate Marcus returns to the States to take his rightful place as his grandfather’s heir.
Unfortunately this also means he has to face his unpleasant mother and self-proclaimed fiancée both of whom have been making their own plans for his future.
Pressured from multiple sides Marcus finds himself haunted by the memory of the woman who got away.
When he suddenly finds her again she acts as though she doesn’t remember their time together at all.

Confused Marcus is determined to unravel the mysteries of his mystery woman but when he learns about the three active four-year-olds
Regina has been raising on her own is he ready to face the real consequences of their night together?


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