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The Billionaires Hidden Heiress Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie

The Billionaires Hidden HeiressThe Billionaires Hidden Heiress Novel Synopsis

"...And do you Miss. Mabel Swanson, take David Wilson to be your lawfully wedded husband..."
It is at this point that I know just how messed up my life is.
"How did my life turn out this way?" I could only mumble as I stare at the perfection in front of me.

3 months ago, she was alright, living her life in the shadows as usual.
Hidden away from the fame at birth, no one would suspect she's the only child of the billionaire family.
Her life was normal until the night she bumped into him with a hot Latte in her hand.

They met by accident, fell in love on purpose. It was all meant to be and the accident was renamed to "Fate".
Eric Bell is just the man she wants and also the one who got away, at least, that's how she saw it.
Read all the chapters now to discover more about this amazing story, thank you...


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