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Tyrant In Love: The Doctor Wife's Dilemma Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

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Tyrant In Love: The Doctor Wife's Dilemma Tyrant In Love: The Doctor Wife's Dilemma Novel Synopsis

After three years of a secret marriage, Joelle believed she could make Keaton love her.
But her efforts meant nothing when the woman he loved came back.

"We should divorce. We're both tired of this, so let's just go our separate ways," Joelle said, ready to give up.
But Keaton coldly rejected the idea, "I don't agree. You're not leaving me!"
His attempts to keep her close only drove her further away until she left for good.

Later, Joelle emerged as a star in the medical field, admired by many and completely over him.
Yet, their unexpected reunion stirred old feelings and conflicts.
"You've forgotten me? Don't worry, I'll make sure you remember," Keaton said with determination.
Afterward, Joelle, rubbing her sore back and blushing, scolded, "Keaton, you tyrant, haven't you had enough?"
Keaton just smirked and replied, "It's never too much for me."
Read the complete episode to find out more, thank you so much!


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Requesting “ Belle Amour”. Really want this story as other apps will only let me read to a certain number of chapters
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