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Witch in Disguise Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

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Well-rounded Techie
Witch in DisguiseWitch in Disguise Novel Synopsis

I hung up and met Bethan’s questioning stare. “Guess they’re busy.”
“Paranormal criminals don’t catch themselves,” she said.
“I guess not,” I said. “So… what do you have to do to get yourself locked up in their prison? I heard it’s worse than the town jail, even.”

“It’s for serious career criminals,” said Bethan. “Or people nobody else wants to deal with.”
“But don’t a lot of paranormals police their own?” I asked. “I mean, we just saw that the vampires took care of the guy who bit someone without permission.
And the werewolves deal with their own criminals as well.”
“Yes, true,” Lizzie said. “The hunters deal with criminals who don’t belong to any paranormal community.
Anyone from people who expose their magic to normals to paranormal serial killers.”
Read the full story now to find out more, thank you!


  • Witch in D. 1.pdf
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  • Witch in D. 2.pdf
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  • Witch in D. 3.pdf
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  • Witch in D. 4.pdf
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