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Worlds’ Apocalypse Online Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Worlds’ Apocalypse OnlineWorlds’ Apocalypse Online Novel Synopsis

The rain continued for one day and one night straight, outside, in the military’s dead pit, an arm suddenly stuck out.
The night patrol got so scared he dropped his lantern and scurried back to the outpost to report to the Commander.
The Commander and the night patrol went together, scimitar and lantern in hand, leaving the outpost to carefully survey what he saw.

The two of them look out, only to see in the pouring rain, a silhouette silently sitting amidst the corpses.
The Commander lifts his lantern for a wider view, revealing to silhouette to be a soldier, wearing tattered leather armor, leaning on a stack of skulls, his back turned to them.
The Commander tightly grips his blade and asks in a low voice: “Who’s there?”

From the pouring rain, only a faint sound returns: “I’m from the Vanguard Legion, right now I’m too heavily injured, unable to move”
Unable to move?
Read the complete story to find out more....


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