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Worth Saving Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Worth Saving Worth Saving Novel Synopsis

*** Izuku Midoriya is a 23 year old paramedic in the city. ***
He's attractive, kind, a bit on the quiet side, he's also struggling to break from an emotionally abusive relationship.
*** Katsuki Bakugo is 25 years old cocky, loud, handsome and a Firefighter in the same city. ***
When the brash, bold fireman meets the cute, quiet paramedic, he's instantly captivated by shy green eyes.
Little do the two realize that they are both in need of saving.

" I knew the second I met you that there was something about you that I needed.

Turns out it wasn't something about you at all, it was just you" ~ Jamie McGuire
There's the smell of smoke heavy in the night air, sirens blast from the city streets. The pavement is wet from the constant stream of water coming from large fire hoses.
Firefighters and police officers along with several curious bystanders wander quickly up and down the sidewalk in front of what just an hour or so ago was a blazing inferno.
The fire is now mostly under control leaving behind only small flames and the smoldering remains of the large abandoned building.
There's another sound amiss the chaos, the sound of a loud brash blonde firefighter arguing with his friends and fellow co-workers.
" I'm fucking fine! I don't need to be checked out, this is bullshit!"
Read the full story to find out more....


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