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Awakening Following Fate Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
Awakening Following FateAwakening Following Fate Novel Synopsis


The branches and low hanging boughs skim my face, clawing my fur as I race through the forest, ducking low to avoid overhanging sticks that pull harshly as I follow Colton into the darkness. My heart’s racing, blood rushing through my head and I can barely keep up with the swift pace of my mate before me.
Focused intensely on the darting black slice of shadow that moves so sleekly to lead the way. The zipping noise of foliage pa**ing my ears at speed and yet I don’t slow my pace.

Colton, wait!….. I mind link him with a hint of warning in my tone.

Something internally sends the alarm bells ringing as the stealth shape of my wolf man leaps through the dense forest and disappears into a thick brush mere feet before me.
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