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He Stole My Heart, I Stole His Child Novel PDF Download/Online Reading

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
He Stole My Heart, I Stole His ChildHe Stole My Heart, I Stole His Child Novel Synopsis

I sniff the air a few times, then get closer and closer, until I am leaning in the car, just inches from Bailey.
Inside, the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen is staring back at me, making my mouth drop and my eyes go wide.
The little boy smiles back at me, his little teeth and perfect nose making my heart contract as I finally register why he smells so familiar.
He’s mine. Bailey had my son, and she has been raising him without me all this time.
Alpha Axel finds his mate, a human, in a bar, takes her to his hotel room, they share an awesome night together but the next morning she is gone.
He searches for her for years, wondering why she would leave without a trace.
Bailey gets in a fight with her boyfriend while they are on vacation and goes to a bar, sleeps with a random man she feels a connection with, not knowing he’s a werewolf and alpha. After seeing a suspicious phone call and message from a woman named Courtney while Axel is still asleep, she runs away in the morning right back to get a ride from her manipulative ex boyfriend. She finds out later she is pregnant and, not knowing about werewolves or their shortened pregnancies, thinks it’s her previous boyfriend’s and makes the mistake of taking him back for the child.
Levi, the boyfriend, gets even more toxic over the years and she leaves him, but he breaks into her home to try to abduct her child to force her to take him back.
Police get called but won’t do much since it looks like a custody disagreement, leaving Bailey with only the option of going to court to fight for her son.
She files a restraining order that gets denied while she files for the custody hearing with the courts.
When she finds out her restraining order got denied, she tells the boyfriend the child isn’t his on the phone in the heat of the moment and he becomes irate, threatening to kill the kid if he isn’t, so she runs away to hide herself and her child.
She ends up back in the town she met the alpha years prior and he sees her pumping gas.
He approaches her and when he sees the child in the backseat he knows he’s the father.

This is the second book in the series. It can be read as a stand alone, but characters from book 1 cross over.
Book1: Her Brother, Her Mate
Book2: He Stole My Heart, I Stole His Child (this book)
Prequel: Battle of the Betas


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