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My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
My Best Friend Stole My Royal Boyfriend Novel Synopsis My-Best-Friend-Stole-My-Royal-Boyfriend-by-LaurG.jpg

“Did you hear?” my mother says to me at dinner. “Hear what?” I ask her as place the napkin back down on the tray.

Things have still been edgy between my parents and me since the little stunt I pulled.
I don‘t blame them; my actions were reckless when I decided to curse in front of a crowd. But still did not regret it; Bryan had it coming for a long time.

What he did to me is nothing compared to the little outburst that I had. I don‘t understand why everyone is so
angry and disappointed with me when they are clearly the ones who did me wrong. My world always worked in the
opposite way that it should. Everyone should be against Bryan and Aria, yet it had so many people that stood on their side.
“There is this party being hosted by Bryan tonight. His parents decided to invite you. I know that we don‘t usually allow you to attend these things,
but I think that this time it would be good for you. You‘ve been having a rough week,

and it would be good for you to improve your relationship with Bryan and Aria.”
I drop the fork onto my plate and gape at my father. Did I hear him correctly? My dad has been strict on these parties
all of my life, so severe that I‘ve never even thought of asking him once to attend one of these things.
Read the complete story to find out more...

