I am a pc tech but i hav 0% idea in pc netw0rking. I will b glad if u c0uld help me with a specialially made netw0rking vide0/text tut0rial with pictures 0f illustrati0ns that is packed with all the aspects 0f pc netw0rking starting fr0m basic level. I d0nt like diff tut0rial f0r diff t0pic but i w0uld like 0ne that hav been specially packed with all the aspects f0r learning netw0rking. I d0nt like vide0 tut0rials fr0m any 0f the vide0 sites like y0utube etc. I W0ULD B VERY HAPPY IF IT IS SPECIALLY MADE F0R B0TH HARDWARE ND NETW0RKING TUT0RIAL (2 in 1) ND C0NTAINS ALL THE ASPECTS 0F THEM STARTING FR0M THE BASIC ASPECTS 0F THEM...