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Tangled Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie



It’s fair to state, I did not get my fairy tale ending. If a fairy tale ending involved him breaking my heart, then yeah—I got the perfect fairy tale ending.
He also slept with my best friend, which he kept from me for three solid months. How do I know it was for three months? Well, he told me that.
His relationship with Kayla just “happened.”
How the hell do you just stop loving one person, who you had spent three solid years with, and suddenly, out of nowhere, start to fall in love with my best friend!

Of all the girls in our year, and years below, he picked Kayla! Why?
Just to hurt me more? Because not only did he break my heart, he also took the one person I was meant to turn to away from me.
I should have known something was wrong when Kayla was cagy about who she was seeing.

It was normal for Kayla to go through men. So I thought that was what was wrong with her.
She had fallen for an older guy again.
And again was going to be heart broken when he uses her just for s*x and breaks it off when she gets clingy.
How I was wrong.
Well she had fallen for a guy—my guy, who is really good at lying. Really good.
Read the full story to find out more, thank you...


  • TANGLED 1.pdf
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  • TANGLED 1-5.pdf
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  • TANGLED 6-10.pdf
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  • TANGLED 16-20.pdf
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