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The Legendary Hero Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
The Legendary Hero
The Legendary Hero Novel Synopsis

“Test subject number 24. The subject lasted for two minutes and forty-five
seconds after the administration of Valkyrie. Time of death: 4.22 AM.”
I should be the only one at home. Who’s talking?
Han Xiao opened his eyes, only to be blinded by light. The familiar hatch of
his VR-capsule was no longer there—instead, he was facing a white ceiling.
The walls that surrounded him were also white and reminiscent of cold,
hard metal. They felt like something straight out of science fiction. The
room resembled an intensive care unit, and Han Xiao lay atop a cold metal
table, bare-chested and wired to all sorts of machines. His back was
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