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The Viking´S Mate Hunt Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
The Viking´S Mate Hunt The Viking´S Mate Hunt Novel Synopsis

"Little bunny, little bunny. Wolf is HUNGRY!" The voice taunted me, followed by an evil cackle.
"Run, rabbit. RUN!" A monstrous bellow boomed through the night sky and crashed into my soul like a sledgehammer.

I could feel a chill sweeping across my body and my heart pounding in my chest.
The echoes of howls and laughter followed me from behind as I ran for my life.
Elisabeth's life had been harder than most since she was a child - a distant and often cruel mother and her never-ending cycle of addiction that had taken over her life.
But on this fateful night, something far more sinister was lurking in the darkness, ready to take her away from it all.
Massive figures appeared out of nowhere, growling and taunting her.
She tried to scream, but nothing would come out; before she knew it, she was waking up in a world where Viking werewolves ruled with mysterious faeries at their side.
Every five years, they traveled to the human realm, collecting ten girls for their mate run - and tonight, Elisabeth was one of them.
With only a white dress and her bare feet, Elisabeth stood beside the other nine girls as the beasts prowled around them menacingly.
A silver dagger pierced each of their wrists, signaling the start of the hunt!
"We honor the moon goddess; let your blood lead your mate to you!"


10 human girl`s lined up, facing the forest. Bare feet, simple white dresses and a bleeding cut.
Behind them the wolves are waiting. RUN! A story about Elisabeth, a young girl that grew up with an addicted mother.
Life was hard, the future dark, One night everything change, and she find herself in a new world.

A place were werewolves and shifters rule, and females are out numbered.
every 5 year the Viking werewolfs travvle between the realms, taking girls with them to participate in the mate hunt. To be willing is not an requierment.
The hunt last for 3 days, nobody have made it passed 2 days. She`s not giving up, no matter how dark it seems. Will she become prey?

submitt to a stranger, a werewolf!? follow her story, watch her grow.


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