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The Woman From Hell Novel PDF Free Download/Read Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie

'' The Woman From Hell By Su Luoluo ''

This fiction is geared towards women, but the message is one we all need to be reminded of in our age of snap judgments & ready condemnations,
don’t judge someone till you have walked a mile in their shoes. the story is one you'll find very entertaining, romantic with amazing characters you may want to root for, and relate with, I will be posting all the Chapters of this beautiful story in PDF accessible format, check in daily for your free download and online reading, enjoy.

The Woman From Hell Novel Synopsis The-Woman-From-Hell-by-Su-Luoluo-225x300.jpg

“You are seven weeks pregnant.” When the obstetrician handed over the pregnancy report to me, I had zero sense of joy within me.
How did it happen so easily?
If Theo Grant knew, would he not be willing to divorce anymore? No, he would hate me even more for trying to use a child to tie him down.

“The first three months are crucial. Watch your diet, avoid having intercourse…” The doctor’s words brought me back to reality.
I put away the report into my bag and left the hospital.

I was in no mood to work anymore, so I decided to just go back to the mansion.
The mansion was huge, but it was quiet and undisturbed all year long.
Theo leaves early and comes back late. Even if he was at home, he would stay in his study or his bedroom.
I have no permission to enter either of these rooms.
But, Theo was at home today. He sat on the sofa in the living room, his cold gaze, high nose bridge, perfectly thin lips, and even his side view, it would always be so handsome and perfect God really blessed this man. He had looks and money.


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