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Quality over quantity in social media

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In social media, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers game.
In the case of a business, it's hard not to question everything when your competitor has 10,000 Twitter followers and you have 2,000. But unlike other things in life, size doesn't always matter.
I often talk about the importance of quality over quantity in social media. If of those 10,000 Twitter followers you have a professional pcb prototype manufacturer in China (pcb.hqew.net)regular conversation with four of them, that 10,000 is just a number. But if the company with 2,000 Twitter followers can identify 100 or 200 people by name, the person with a smaller following is the winner.
Pretty basic stuff, right? Then why do we get so caught up in numbers? Because we're competitive, and for that I blame the social media platforms themselves.
Twitter and Facebook often talk about the importance of good quality content, friends and sharing. As they should. So why are the numbers so front and center on these sites? In fairness, Facebook has recently moved away from showcasing the number of friends and subscribers, but it's still front and center on Twitter. There's a certain cachet to being Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga or the President of the United States and boasting about your following. But the average person or business shouldn't be so focused on an arbitrary number.
So in lieu of numbers, here's what you should consider when chronicling your social media successes:
How often do you engage? You have to be a part of the conversation to have a meaningful conversation. Posting once a week and expecting benefits is silly. For maximum impact, create a solid plan and calendar to determine what you are going to post and when.
What kind of content are you posting? There's a huge difference between posting a link and never looking back and having a back-and-forth with your followers/fans. Remember that if you want people to share your content and tell their friends about you, you need to give them a reason. So instead of focusing on the numbers, focus on what you are trying to convey in your posts. If your content is awesome, the people will find you.
Are you more visible with social than without? Say you're a medium-sized flower shop with 50 Twitter followers. Now let's say you run a special for 10 percent off roses on Valentine's Day and you seal 10 deals. Would you consider a sale to 10 people out of 50 to be a success? Probably. Always focus on the end result.
3 networks or 30? Just because a social network exists doesn't mean you need to be on it, and that goes for personal and business scenarios. I see it all too often when people create empty goals to reach 100 followers by such and such a date. Why? Are your customers/friends even there? Why are you there? Ask yourself why it's important and if you come up with a solid reason, then make a plan. If you don't remember any of those tips, remember this: Good social media is the same as good customer service. You are still successful whether you make one person happy or 12.
You have really shared great tips here buddy, I have always looked along these lines when using the social media platform
Great post shared .Thanks for sharing.Today due to the increase in demand of Social media marketing ,The quality and Quantity have been decreases .Both the things ,Quality as well as Quantity plays vital role for Social media marketing and making Content more valuable .For getting both ,it is important to hire a best Social media agency like Pitchussocial which gives more stress on both Quality and Quantity also