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S23 charging issues


New Techie
I don't know if this is the right place to ask or if it's a valid question to ask in the first place but I am going to post it anyway.
I bought a 2nd hand Samsung s23 today and 25w charger along with it (Idk if it's authentic or not, because it is written made in china -no offense - instead of Vietnam, I thought chargers made in Vietnam are better, idk correct me if I am wrong).
The phone had 2% battery life so I decided to charge it first while turned off (I already turned it on to make sure it works lol).
The problem (if it's really a problem, you tell me) is:
1. The charger gets really hot like insanely hot.
2. Sometimes the screen shows me a little yellow triangle with an exclamation mark inside it while charging
3. The phone even though turned off while charging keeps lighting up spontaneously from time to time showing the charging percentage and then it goes back to black.
My question is : IS THIS NORMAL? If not what's the problem? Should I change the charger or anything else?
Thanks in advance