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Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

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Sapiens: A Brief History of HumankindSapiens: A Brief History of Humankind Novel Synopsis

Approximately 100,000 years ago there were at least six human species that inhabited the earth. Today, there is only one: Homo sapiens. Us.
How, though, did our species end up being the species that succeeded in the struggle for control of resources and the struggle for the planet?
What led our ancestors to switch from foraging, hunting, and gathering, to the creation of cities and empires?
How did we begin our belief in gods, in nations, in simple things like human rights?
Why do we trust money, how did it start, what inspired books, written language, laws, morals?

How have we come so far to be nearly enslaved by our own bureaucracy of timetables, slaves to consuming, slaves to superfluous daily routines?
In this book, Yuval Noah Harari spans the entirety of human history, from the first steps our known ancestors took to the massive breakthroughs that led us to the world we experience today.
How have we changed, how have we improved? Have we improved?
Are we happier, more stressed, or healthier now than we were?
This bold, often provocative book challenges everything we thought we knew about ourselves. I...
Read on to discover more about this amazing story, thankss....

