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Websites Restri?tion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yankees
  • Start date Start date
  • Viewed 2470 times.


New Techie
I hav a pc that people use it to  browse 0r access unecessary sites that i hates, is the any procedure/software that can b used to restrict site(s) that can only b accessed on that pc thus by blocking all nd enable 0nly ones u want then to use?

Yankees said:
I hav a pc that people use it to  browse 0r access unecessary sites that i hates, is the any procedure/software that can b used to restrict site(s) that can only b accessed on that pc thus by blocking all nd enable 0nly ones u want then to use?
you can use firewalls rules to restrict such sites or download any free firewalls app to do it
Yankees said:
I dont know the rules, May i get example(s) nd the settings involved to perform the t?sk?
enter the Windows Control Panel and open the "Windows Firewall" icon.=>
Select the "Settings" option in your firewall configuration utility. Some firewalls may call this the "Options" or even "Configure" menu option. This will bring up a list of programs and sites that are currently blocked from access, as well as a list of programs and sites that are currently allowed access to your network connection. => Select the "Add" button and add the URL of the website you don't want users of your computer to be able to access.

=>Click "OK." The URL of the website will appear on the list on screen and that website will be blocked from access on your computer by the firewall.
Yankees said:
It may not b all the sites that u may know, so how do i lets say disable all sites nd enable lets say 0nly 2 that u specify?Eg gmail.Com nd yahoo.Com
you can use content advisor from "content" in internet option to blog certain category of website (let's say adult sites) etc
Yankees said:
Is it present in all browsers nd how do we set them? I cant find in firefox nd 0pera...
for firefox use this link
to add the extension for chrome , opera etc go to addon or extension page and search for
parental control
  You may wanna read this article here if you wanna blog all website from lunching via group policy proxy config