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The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter Novel PDF Download/Reading Online

De Pro-Techie

Well-rounded Techie
The Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's DaughterThe Alpha: Claiming His Enemy's Daughter Novel Synopsis



“Why do you have scars?”
All of sudden, Iris changed the topic, as she looked at Cane in the eyes. She was still clutching to his sleeves.
“Your father gave me,” Cane replied. He thought, Iris wouldn’t remember this conversation when she woke up.

“That must be so painful.”
“They are.”
“Will the scars heal?”
“I don’t think so.”

The night indeed made you vulnerable and let you said something that you would never admit when it was bright. The obscurity softened your heart.
“Too bad. You have a warm soul.” Iris frowned slightly.
“I no longer have a soul.” He had sold his soul for the freedom of his people. There was nothing left of him right now.
“Yes, you have, but you are in so much pain.” Iris blinked her eyes. “Your beast is in pain. You have so many scars.”
“The only scars that I have is on my face.”
Iris shook her head meekly. “I am not talking about your face. I am talking about your soul.
Too bad, you are in so much pain… what my father and brother had done to you must be painful…”
And after that, Iris closed her eyes and fell asleep.


She is the daughter of an alpha who has killed his family, razed his pack and has also made his people slaves.
Now, he has achieved revenge after ten years of being treated as a slave and was living a life that no one would ever imagine. Life akin to hell.
And ten years later, Alpha Cane manages to take over and kill the alpha who has made the lives of his people worse than death.
It was time for him to make the children of the alpha pay for what their father had done.
Iris was a runt and she was very different from her father.
Curious about this novella? read the complete chapter to discover more thanksss....


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Noob question, how do you guys read those pdf? I can only dl the front page 😫😭 Also I’m willing to cooperate to unlock other chapters from w3bN0^EL using my Fast Pass and share here.

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I have downloaded till chapters 770 or so.. but not able to take screen shots. Whats the procedure
hi can you please share the chapters that you have? thank you
I have downloaded till chapters 770 or so.. but not able to take screen shots. Whats the procedure
I have downloaded till chapters 770 or so.. but not able to take screen shots. Whats the procedure
hi, can you share the chapters that you have? thank youuuuuu
I have from 741 to 745 but that application does not allow taking screenshots or copy the text, also I will lose some chapters in 3 days... Any advice about how to share them?
Last edited:
I have from 741 to 745 but that application does not allow taking screenshots or copy the text, also I will lose some chapters in 3 days... Any advice about how to share them?
Try downloading it... Or if you have another phone with you then take photos of these chapters...
Hii please share the remaining chapters that you have 🥺
She is saying she needs help uploading the chapters because she is having trouble!! If anybody with technical experience can help her out so we can get the rest of the chapters uploaded!!😉
I have from 741 to 745 but that application does not allow taking screenshots or copy the text, also I will lose some chapters in 3 days... Any advice about how to share them?
Maybe you could take a video of them & upload the video or try opening the app on your laptop/computer & see if you can copy & paste off your laptop or computer?!! I wish I could help but I suck at computer stuff!! Good luck!!
I have from 741 to 745 but that application does not allow taking screenshots or copy the text, also I will lose some chapters in 3 days... Any advice about how to share them?
Hi👋 by chance were you able to get ahold of an extra phone or a friends to take photos of the chapters you have so they could be downloaded? Just wanted to check in. Crossing my fingers for you.!!!
I have from 741 to 745 but that application does not allow taking screenshots or copy the text, also I will lose some chapters in 3 days... Any advice about how to share them?
I have unlocked chapters 741 to 779 but I can't take screenshots, the app allows me to download the chapters I unlocked but can't find them, it's from webnovel.
I have unlocked chapters 741 to 779 but I can't take screenshots, the app allows me to download the chapters I unlocked but can't find them, it's from webnovel.
Maybe you could take a video of them & upload the video or try opening the app on your laptop/computer & see if you can copy & paste off your laptop or computer?!! I wish I could help but I suck at computer stuff!! Good luck!!
Ch.741 pg.1


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Ch. 744


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